The secret of a top-quality cuvée lies in its compositi-on. We worked with renowned tea sommeliers to cre-ate this non-alcoholic Sparkling Juicy Tea. Made using the cold brew process, it combines the fruitiness of van Nahmen’s...
The secret of a top-quality cuvée lies in its compositi-on. We worked with renowned tea sommeliers to cre-ate this non-alcoholic Sparkling Juicy Tea. Made using the cold brew process, it combines the fruitiness of van Nahmen’s...
The Pinot Noir variety is one of the most highly regarded grapes. These demanding vines favour cool locations in clay soils. Our Pfaffen-Schwabenheimer Mandelbaum vineyard in Rheinhessen offers the ideal conditions for the juice to...
If one composes a juice from apple and quince, the cuvée will reveal a bewitchingly fullbodied flavour – one reminiscent of mature Riesling. van Nahmen Fruit-Secco Apfel-Quitte (apple-quince) is a dry and fruity apéritif with 0% alcohol...
Fruit-Secco Grape has a mild aroma, as is typical for ripe grapes. We harvest the fruit early in the season, though, to retain its refreshing acidity. van Nahmen Fruit-Secco Grape is an organic aperitif – pure, stimu-lating enjoyment of...
The van Nahmen Fruit-Secco Apple-Redcurrant-Raspberry is an apéritif guaranteed to have 0% alcohol – a pure and stimulating pleasure, all freshness and fruit. At a serving temperature of 8–10°C it reveals its full, berrylike and...
The Apple Blueberry Cherry Fruit-Secco is the new one among the non-alcoholic aperitifs from van Nahmen. The subtle acidity of the juice from the Rheinischer Bohn apple variety provides the base for this cuvée‘s distinctive flavour....
The cherry variety Morellenfeuer was developed in the middle of the last century as a crossing of the Ostheimer Weichsel with the type Früheste der Mark. Since the Rhineland is particularly well suited to the cultivation of this variety,...
Star Reinette is an old cultivated apple variety that is primarily used as an orchard fruit, and is well worth preserving. One special feature is its red-tinged flesh. And thanks to its dark red skin it was once considered the classic...
This type of apricot, cultivated only rarely today, derives its name from the orange-coloured skin. We like to work with this variety because of its striking juxtaposition of sweetness and acidity.
The blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) has always been valued for its high content of Vitamin C. Years ago our grandfather, Wilhelm van Nahmen, had already begun processing the currant to make a top-quality nectar. For us, it is a personal...
Redcurrants (Ribes rubrim) have been grown in monasteries and farms since the 14th century. Red-currant nectar was one of the first three products to be pressed by our grandfather, Wilhelm van Nahmen. The nectar’s delicately tart acidity...
The juice for our rhubarb nectar is pressed from the rhubarb varieties The Sutton and Frambozen, which we buy every year from a small farmer in the Rhineland. The two red stemmed varieties have a delicate aroma and give the juice a pale...
Over the past three years we have developed a very spe-cial procedure for pressing single-varietal German wine grapes that retains the typicity of the grape within the juice. The powerful texture of the ‘Dornfelder’ variety makes it...
The Rubinette apple is a cross between the Cox Orange and Golden Delicious varieties. The apples come from farms in the Altes Land region near Hamburg and from the region of the Rhineland.
The Topaz variety used for this apple juice comes from BIOLAND undertakings in the Altes Land region near Hamburg. The apple juice has a spicy balance of acidity and an intense aroma.
Belle de Boskoop, also known simply as Boskoop, is an old cultivated apple variety: it was discovered by Mr. Ottolander as a chance seedling, a shoot on a wild plant in Boskoop in the Netherlands. For fans of tart apples, this variety is...
Elderberries have been grown in monasteries and far-msteads since the Middle Ages. We use the berries of the intensely-flavoured Haschberg variety (Sambucus nigra), originally from the Danube wetlands of Klo-sterneuburg. The juice is...
Our wonderful wild plums come from the Piedmont region in Italy and owe their special flavour to the par-ticular way in which they are harvested. The plum tree – planted at 400 to 700 metres above sea level – decide for themselves when...
The Stromberg plum variety thrives in Stromberg in the Münsterland region: it was imported from southern France around 1790 and named after its new home. The plum has a mild aroma which captivates with its pronounced sweetness of fruit....
The Datterino tomato originates from Sicily. This very small, oblong, brilliant bright red tomato resembles a small date in shape, earning it the nickname “date tomato”. Its most distinctive features, however, are its fascinating aroma...
Our apple cider is gently pressed from traditional fruit varieties. The flavour and aroma of the juice is affected by the ripeness of the apples, so we use only late harvested fruit to ensure a fruity aroma and refreshing taste.
Orchards are some of the most biodiverse habitats of all. In order to protect these habitats, our contract far-mers are paid a higher price to make cultivation wor-thwhile. The flavour and aroma of the juice is affected by the ripeness...
The Williams Christ (Pyrus communis) variety of pear is named after the London nurseryman Richard Williams. We obtain our pears from friend-ly fruit farmers. When fully ripe it imparts a sweet, delicate spiciness.
The juice for this peach nectar is obtained exclusively from the White Peach variety. This variety of peach is characterized by a very intense aroma and fullbodied taste. Our fully-ripe and fragrant white peaches are sourced from our...
Our apple cider is gently pressed from traditional fruit varieties. As the flavour and aroma is governed by the apple’s level of ripeness, we use only very ripe fruit, which ensures a fruity aroma and refreshing taste.
Riesling, the „grand“ German grape variety, stands for sophisticated taste. Its fresh aroma exhibits delicate apple, lemon and peach notes. The grapes for our Riesling come from German wine regions. Throughout the whole process we...
The aronia shrub originally comes from eastern North America and has been grown in Europe since the early 20th century. It produces pea-sized blue-black berries which offer a tart juice: the fresh aronia berries are gently transformed...
The Jonagold variety used for this apple juice comes from organic farms in typically fruit-growing regions in Germany. The Jonagold variety is a cross between the Golden Delicious and the Jonathan varieties. The juice has a balanced...
The pomegranate (Punica granatum), also called “paradi-se apple” in Germany, grows on trees that are more than 100 years old and reach a height of 5 to 8 metres. Up to 400 seeds containing valuable nutrients can be found in a single...
These apples come from organic farms which are located in typically fruit-growing regions in Germany. The Elstar variety is a cross between the Ingrid Marie and Golden Delicious varieties. The apples have a sweet but also acidic aroma....
Thanks to its varied aroma, the quince, an almost for-gotten variety of fruit, is celebrating a triumphant return to haute cuisine. Today our fruit varieties – Constantinople quinces (apple quinces) and individual varieties of Portuguese...
Blueberries (Vaccinium) can be split into plump and sweet plantation blueberries and slightly tart forest blueberries. Our (organic) wild forest blueberries con-tain anthocyanins in their skins and flesh, increasing their antioxidant...
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